
Issue #19


by Juan Carlos Lopez

2006 Team Universe and NYC Pro Photos and Results

2006 Team Universe and NYC Pro Review

2006 USA's Figure and Bodybuilding Photos and Results

2006 USA's Figure and Bodybuilding Review

2006 Tara Scotti After Party Photos and Review

20 Question with Cover Model: Jamie Senuk IFBB Figure Pro

Video Interview with Cover Model IFBB Figure Pro: Jamie Senuk

How to Stay Relaxed
by Kaisa Piippo

Ask Misty Green
by Misty Green

Jamie Senuk, Heather McKinnon, Jeni Briscoe, Macey Boudreau & Serena Cooper

Femsport 2006
by JP Erickson

Journey to Jr. Nationals and Beyond Part 2
by Becky Clawson

Video Interview with CBBF Figure Charlene Akhurst

Pre-Post Canadian Nationals
by Charlene Akhurst

Handling Dissa- pointment with Grace
by Christie Sharun

Video Interview with CBBF Figure Kim Stefanski

From the Start
by Tina Kellog

Video Interview with CBBF Figure Christie Sharun



2006 USA's Figure and Bodybuilding Championships Review by Juan Carlos Lopez

It has been a rather hot summer in several places in the west coast. Cities like San Francisco have ceased their hellish winds and cloudy skies. While Las Vegas has increased its temperature and boils like a living hell over 110F degrees. It is here where the USA's is held this time again. UNLV's Ham Hall being an excellent venue that rises its seating in a way that everyone can enjoy the stage regardless of their seat. Only Team Universe has such an excellent theater as far National shows go.

That same weekend on Wednesday upon my arrival the usual quotidian task of renting a car bared a peculiar scene. At the Enterprise car rental waiting area several eyes goggled at the spectacle within their perimeters. A muscular, well developed female physique stood erect in the iniquitous heat, none other than Heather Policky. Perhaps an omen or augury of what would betide later on that weekend at the USA's. Knowing a manifold of female bodybuilders that would present their physiques on stage, clearly Heather would be one of the best and the one to be concerned about.

Kristie Newsome

Starting with figure it was 6 classes one pro card per class which was not enough given the large number of competitors. Class A included some excellent physiques one of them being Kristin Gomes who had placed top 5 at Team Universe two weeks before this show. Gomes took the class and is now headed to her first pro show after the Olympia in West Palm Beach. Another great physique who should get rewarded soon is Kristie Newsome who show after show presents a great package. Excellent balance and great conditioning, should be a pro by now. Misty Tidmore is another great physique that gets really overlooked. Trained by super star trainer Greg Hasberry, Misty has brought down her physique to conform the new standards. Hopefully next year she'll be looked at more. Jen De Joya should try again soon as she is very close to getting that pro card. She has the muscle and has improved her physique by 180 degrees. Alex Galvez is another great body that this time came less conditioned. She still has a lot of muscle and without being conditioned looks a lot bigger on stage. Alex will be back with a vengeance for next year. The big news was Jodi Miller flexing on stage at the night show this was of course an omen of her entrance to bodybuilding.

Melody Clere

Figure B was taken by Felicia Romero who seems to have done her first National show. Taking second was the unbeatable physique of Melody Clere who will be getting that card soon as she displays the look judges want and also has the conditioning and balance. Natosha Green too looked amazing, ex-bodybuilder has totally streamlined her physique for figure. Lilia Sandozequi, Jill Smith and Ann Pratt all looked excellent it was too bad judges didn't see it. Lilia specially stood out given her latina looks. Jill was well balanced and has improved from her last competition. Ann Pratt put on more muscle from the Ironman show in February. Patty Farrow was another physique that got overlooked, after taking the LA show the week before it was confusing how low she placed.

Lois Powell

Class C was much larger Consi Shirlaw another unknown name won it. Lois Powell looked very good on stage just as several other competitors who didn't place that well. Denise Jensen and Grace Rivera to name two of them. Ginger Redeker and Michele Naylon are right up there and just need a bit more promotion to get themselves to that pro stage. Kudos to Grace Rivera who still after several years competing is still at it. We need seasoned competitors to get on stage more often.

Tana Swink

Class D was taken by Angela Terlesky who looked great and shadowed on the placings the new 24 yr. old figure phenom Tana Swink. Placings and scoresheets always remember the winner of the class but Tana Swink will go down in history as on the best physiques to step on stage on a national level. Together with names like Zhanna Rotar, Michelle Troll, Misty Green, Melody Clere will be remembered for that. We hope to see her back next year competing. Her balance and great muscle tone is beyond description. Tana really belongs on a pro stage and perhaps even the Olympia. She would give those girls a run for their money for sure. Traci Redding came in tighter for this show and placed much better. Traci has the physique and can do very well she just needs to keep at it. Traci also wowed us at 2005 Jr. Nationals with her great conditioning and balance. Kristine Reinking and Julie Green were two other physiques that were worthy of the top 5 perhaps. It is very hard for judges with all these competitors to select them in such a short time.

Natalie Benson

Class E was taken by Natalie Benson who came on stage confident, with great balance and a tiny waist and big back. Everyone was in shock at how great her physique was. If she would have been more conditioned we could have called her perfect. Judges and the NPC want to downsize competitors but it was fair to give her the class. The other competitors such as Stacy Clary have been moving up the ranks and do deserve the recognition. By now Stacy should be happily married as she decided to compete and marry in Vegas this weekend. Melissa Thalhammer is another of George Farah's prodigies she simply looks great, good amount of muscle and balance. Melissa will bring the "hammer" down next year. Paola Almerico needs just a bit more muscle and definition but she is right up there, judges like her looks and she has done her homework. Now Nola Trimble is one of those classic great physiques that is very close to her pro card, she has placed very well in the last shows and just needs a push to obtain the pro card. This is her first year doing Nationals and top 5 is very good.

Misty Green

Class F was judged totally differently top 5 being much more softer that the rest of the other classes. Misty Green again looked unbeatable, even bringing down her legs a bit more and showcasing a great package. Misty just marvels us with her physique and basically looks the best in her class at every show. It is just a matter of time for the judges to hand her the pro card. Jamie Reed is another excellent example together with Tamee Marie of great physiques that are overlooked. Some other physiques that stood out were Brandie Gardner and Jen Thaler, perhaps next year they will do better. Hopefully the way the class was judged does not discourage anyone if it does forget about it and keep at it.

Claire O'Connell

Bodybuilding was much smaller this year and it seems that it is dying we now see rarely any new blood and countless FBBs turning towards figure. Lightweights were taken with ease by Claire O'Connell who hit the show with outstanding conditioning and could be one of the best lightweights at Nationals in Miami if she decides to do it. Melissa Alvarado noteworthy for presenting an very feminine package and taking fourth in the class.

Tina Chandler

Middleweights had a close call with Tina Chandler edging Jennifer Sedia. Both coming out of Texas presented great packages and Tina taking the class by just a few points. This class also featured Diana Tinelle who decided to leave figure and go into bodybuilding as judges had told her she would do good in bodybuilding. Diana took 3rd just as judges promised would do well. Sedia was a good surprise at it seems its her first National level show and shows excellent balance and conditioning.

Angie Salvagno

Angie Salvagno also edged by few points Christine Sabo who did look outstanding. Sabo brought in a solid package and could have won by judges awarded Salvagno who brought in a more X-shaped physique with great conditioning. Salvagno probably looking her best ever will be at Nationals looking for that pro card. Debbie Bramwell and Anita Nikolich both made great improvements from Pittsburgh and came in tighter. Debbie has transformed her physique into a more X shaped one.

Kristie Newsome

Heather Policky without question took the class and second to her Michele Neil who has hard and muscular. Policky at 174 lbs totally rocked the stage with her great posing and conditioning. After that she won the overall which was different from last year where Amanda Dunbar took the show. Salvagno presented a package that resembled that of Amanda Dunbar but this time Heather Policky finally nailed it and is going to the pro ranks.


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