
Issue #181


by Juan Carlos Lopez

20 Questions with Cover Model Loni Pfeil

Loni Pfeil, Sasha Brown, Theresa Shupe, Fernanda Camargo & Inna Wyatt

Overtraining and Declining Health and Fitness
by Tina Jo Orban

Video Interview with Cover Model Loni Pfeil


Overtraining and Declining Health and Fitness by Tina Jo Orban

Some individuals exercise regimen has taken a precipitous decline during the Nation’s pandemic. Yet I know—cause I have seen them—some people have gone on obsessive daily kick-ass, grinding workouts. Its a choice, drugs and or alcohol to cope or something else (the list goes on here infinitely). The choice of using exercise in general this is good! This seems like a good way to stave of stress, depression. And yes, exercise is a great therapeutic for both. Yet, when is enough? When is too much? Training like a beast five days a week or more can actually begin to wear down your body. Your immune system suffers   Overtraining while Covid-19 is looming is a BAD IDEA. When this happens what is deemed Overtraining Training Syndrome can occur. This is simply when duration and/or the intensity increases, and/or recovery is inadequate. This can apply to any sport, or any physical repetitive intense movement. Indeed, “burnout syndrome” which is similar, occurs for example when you have an impossible work load or environmental stressor such as a hostile work environment or relationship. Burnout syndrome can even happen say if say your town is rioting and burning. This increases cortisol “the stress hormone” and eventually can all lead to “burnout.” Overexerting yourself in one exercise session temporarily such as getting your heart rate up to Heart Rate Reserve (such as when you perform V02 Max test), is short duration and you will recover.  You also may feel ‘beat” the day post a particularly tough workout. But what we are talking about in overtraining is day after day “tearing it up” or even just DAILY resistance weight training at intensities (usually 60-70% of 1RM one rep max) kind of work. A one-off intense blast won’t lead to overtraining. Think of it as cumulative. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) day after day, can definitely do it. Of course we should move everyday. Low intensity work such as walking or easy hikes or chores should not be a problem. Overtraining is relative to the person and their physical condition. The higher your condition the better prepared you are to deal with intense workouts, that is apparent. But even Olympians fall into the overtraining trap.

So what is the big deal? You want to push yourself. You love to train. It is hard to take a break. But it is a big deal. Especially now with COVID 19 the “C-19.” Turns out overtraining system not only DECREASES your muscles mass, bones and performance ability, but takes its toll on your immune system.

Early signs of overtraining feeling fatigue or just less energy during the day is one sign. Muscles soreness and stiffness is higher than usual. This is a natural response to try to diminish more movement. If you know your resting HR, an elevated one can also be a sign. For females, even if they are not below the Body Fat Threshold that would otherwise cease menstruation, may experience amenorrhea. Others may begin to experience injuries.In some studies people begin to show increased appetite for sweets and or caffeine .  As aforementioned “burnout” syndrome is closely related to overtraining in its manifestations in one’s body in that both breakdown muscle and bone and are catabolic and both increase cortisol levels which can lead to pre-diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome in some. Again craving sugars (glucose the monosaccharide our brain and body needs to survive) and caffeine  natural response to try to restore energy to the body. Furthermore, overtraining like “burn-out” (recall burnout is akin to mental overtraining and high stress living, such as navigating a hostile relationship or living in or participating in rioting your city day after day) both can lead to chronic inflammatory state in your body. This can age you quickly! So all that work to be fit and healthy has a tipping point. What to do? You know. Lay off the training. Drink plenty of water. Eat plenty of protein rich foods. And don’t underestimate the role of fresh fruits and veggies (they have the vitamins and minerals which act as coenzymes needed for anabolic —protein building!). Now listen to your body and make a good choice.

1.“13 Signs of Overtraining and What To Do About It" healthline.com <https://www.healthline.com/health/signs-of-overtraining>.
1 Sept. 2020.
2. International Olympic Committee Consensus Statement on Load in Sport and Risk of Illness” 
British Journal of Sports Medicine.Martin Schwellnus et al. July 13 2016.
1 Sept 2020.
3. “13 Signs of Overtraining and What To Do About It"  healthline.com <https://www.healthline.com/health/signs-of-overtraining>.
1 Sept. 2020.
4. Bodyweight and Menstruation; sourced from; Pubmed.
ER Baker 1985.  2 Sept.  2020.
5. Hypothyroidism and Overtraining: Too much of a good Thing"
Published by Steve Roach | Jan 20, 2012 . 2 Sept 2020.
6. Caffeine, distilled down, caffeine works by landing on receptors in the brain that block
a chemical that normally causes drowsiness. Medical News Today.
> 1 Sept 2020.
7. Hypothyroidism and overtraining: Too much of a good thing
Published by Steve Roach | Jan 20, 2012 . 2 Sept 2020.


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