The Olympia was held again at the Orleans, fans by now can forget about Mandalay Bay as with the Orleans Arena and hotel are enough for the promoter and fans for now. Attendance has decreased and perhaps even the same competitors have shelled out less money for this event. At the night show the MC mentioned the even was sold out and this was the biggest crowd but if you turned around and looked at the seats there were many empty ones. The expo too suffered from lack of attendance according to some vendors and thus were not able to sell as much.
Going into the show in Figure Jenny Lynn won again, two titles in a row for the new Kentucky resident. Jenny simply came in looking balanced and in good shape, her presentation is flawless and it seems to be what judges want nowadays. Gina Aliotti took second, muscular as always and with good conditioning, a very different package than Jenny. Sonia Adcock another less muscular very physique took 3rd in her first Olympia. Another newbie Jennifer Gates took 4th, Jen has brought down her muscles and has a softer looker and is perhaps what judges are liking. Amanda Savell took 5th and was looking semi-muscular and fuller than in her last shows. Amber Littlejohn was just looking great, very good balance as we know but again her conditioning and overall look deserved much better. In 7th came in Monica Brant-Peckham who also deserved much better given her balanced and conditioning. Monica has tried all the looks from shredded to softer but still judges haven't awarded her. Monica is just what a competitor should look like she will always be the best. From the other competitors many of them came in a bit different softer or just off its up to them what they wanted to showcase. Inga Neverauskaite as always looked stunning, newcomer Heather Green is one of the best bodies in the planet.
In Fitness it was Adela Garcia again who took the show, judges awarded her physique and routine to the point they gave her the win. Kim Klein was a close second, her acrobatics on stage shine and her physique is very complete. Jen Hendershott in 3rd made a comeback after announcing retirement. Tanji Johnson keeps working hard and pulled 4th place. Julie Palmer took 5th with an always improving physique. In 6th came in Delaware's Tracey Greenwood who always presents a rock hard physique. Now its notable to mention in 7th place Oksana Grishina who has only done a few shows and has impressed the judges. Lets stop for a second and dwell on her routine, in my eyes and from my experience covering these shows she was the BEST ROUTINE I HAVE EVER SEEN. The Olympia just made me realize that among the best there is someone better and Oksana is simply the best routine. An artistic flowing set of movements to the tune of Lara Fabian's "Je T'Aime". The routine is an actual story of Oksana's life and involves her looking at a letter which she crumbles and then performs ballet/dance movements combined with strength moves. The chair trick she pulls off is also very original. Its not just a fitness routine but a form of art, if you do get a chance to see it it will be the BEST routine you can watch on stage so far.
Going back to the review kudos to Julie Lohre, Mindi O'Brien, Julie Childs, Regiane Da Silva who looked on top of their game and could have done better.
Female Bodybuilding was for Iris Kyle who again beat Dayana Cadeau for just an inch. Yaxeni took 3rd and Lisa Aukland took 4th. Lisa might have not been the same as the AC pro but still looked amazing. Heather Armbrust was looking amazing and could easily be Ms. Olympia in a just a bit. Bonnie Priest and Betty Pariso did look great but it seems they weren't as sharp as 2006. Even Iris Kyle was not as big and conditioned as last year. There was actually doubt in who would win it this year. In 2006 no one touched Iris. It also seems too that a newbie can rarely creep in higher placings unless they look exceptionally good. Its true the majority of the top 6 do actually have all the bodyparts and its perhaps the newbies that need to improve on things but in general some new faces like Nicole Ball and Sarah Dunlap do bring conditioning that is at the same level of the top contenders.
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