
Issue #176


by Juan Carlos Lopez

20 Questions with Cover Bianka Ross

Bianka Ross, Jamile, Kristy Mitchell, Kaitlyn Davis & Fernanda Camargo

Training Your Calves For Size by Tina Jo Orban

Video Interview with Cover Model Bianka Ross


Editorial by Juan Carlos Lopez

Hello again, here is another editorial! In my previous issue 175 I spoke a little about the current hot topic of mask/face coverings during this Pandemic period of life.

I still believe in the idea of how they physically can block some droplets of a sneeze or cough and may slow the spread of the virus in that sense, but it is easier said than done to wear a mask in the gym! Here in California, it varies county by county what gyms and fitness centers can open. In the Bay Area, they finally opened some gyms back up for 2 days before the Governor ordered watchlist counties to roll back on the stages of opening, and the gyms closed again... It is frustrating that's for sure.

But I have made it back to some gyms near enough that remain open, and have now experienced first hand what it is looking like for the gyms and how it feels to wear a mask while working out. One gym did a great job in their protocol. They had the door open, provided sanitizing spray and clean towel to each guest, had machines taped off if they were too near each other, and did deep cleaning of the cardio machines after they saw people use them. They did require masks, but said they understand if you are doing high intensity workouts and cardio you can pull it down to breath better. With lifting heavier weights than I have in my home, I found myself breathing harder and needed to pull the mask off my nose in order to not feel so light headed! It is tricker than I thought, but I still say that if we want businesses to remain open and stay in business, we need to be respectful of that and follow all protocols for their sake, and slowing the spread if we can.


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