
Issue #171


by Juan Carlos Lopez

20 Questions with Cover Model Brett Scott

Brett Scott, Monica Rubio, Panida Promsook, Jacqueline Gomez & Lena Paternoster

Branched Chain Amino Acids
by Tina Jo Orban

Video Interview with Cover Model Brett Scott


20 Questions with Cover Model Brett Scott

1) Please introduce yourself? What makes you special? Who is Brett Scott?

A: You spelled Brett Mothafukn Scott wrong

2) Please tell us a bit about your family, friends and surroundings? 

A: Dawgz

3) How did you start competing in figure? 

A: I was too big for bikini 

4) What is your personal policy (not what the judges want) about conditioning and muscularity when coming into a show? Soft or hard? 

A: Conditioning should be balanced with femininity. In any division. Period.

5)  What is your idea of what judges want in a Figure competitor? Do you think judges are clear enough with competitors about how they want you on stage? It seems in Europe they are very clear unlike in the USA and now in Canada things are confusing.

A: Pick a division. Watch that division's Olympia Winner. Shoot for that. 

6) For the next shows what do you think you need to work on physique-wise/conditioning-wise? If anything! 

A: The judges said go do Woman's Physique

7) What is your typical training routine in the gym (per day, include sets and reps!) How much cardio do you do before a show?

Push/Pull/Legs. 3-5 reps. 5 sets. 
Cardio ranges from 30 min to 90 min , depending on what stage of prep im in. Fasted cardio stays in year round. 

8) What is your pre-contest diet? (per day, 1 week before the show)

A:  Thats some more of my business 

9) How do you go about dropping your water before the day of the show? How much water do you drink the day of the show. Please be specific.

A: I dont manipulate water. 

10) What motivates you to train/diet and compete? Are there any competitors you looked up to? 

A: I train regardless of shows. Shows are a byproduct of always having to be in shape for work. The only thing that changes if I have a show coming up is diet & cardio frequency. 

11) Please tell us an interesting experience you had at a show recently, be it a fun thing or something rather not so fun?

A: Probably when HardFitnessMag had me doing pullups on some random ass gate with some heels on 

12) What is your personal opinion about the figure, fitness, bodybuilding industry we are in? Anything you would like to see changed?  

A: I would like to see more competitors focus on building real, quality physiques , rather than focusing on what kind of drugs will get them there the fastest. It doesnt work like that. 

13) What has been your hardest challenge to overcome either in your personal life or competing career?

A:  n/a

14) Did you make any changes to your contest prep for your last show? Water intake, carbing up, etc...

A: This past prep with Shane Heugly was by far the easiest prep, with the least amount of changes I have ever ran to date. Just get in shape, coast into the show. 

15) What do you think of bikini division?

A : Thas cute.

16) What are your favorite foods to eat right after you compete on a Saturday night?

A: Pancakes 

17) Please tell us about how you were raised and did you have any interesting experiences while growing up?

A:  n/a

18) Do you have an athletic background? Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball or what? 

A: Soccer, Track, MMA

19) What is a typical day in the life of Brett Scott? From waking up to until going to bed? 

A: Can't make this shit up 

20) What is your current occupation? Please tell us more about it, what do you specifically do in your job?

A : Uncle Sam's finest


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