
Issue #105


by Juan Carlos Lope

20 Questions with Cover Model Taylor Thomas

Video Interview with Amateur Physique Chelsea Hagan

Taylor Thomas, Sarah Steensgard, Stefanie Richard, Nina Ross & Melinda Szabo

Video Interview with Pro Physique Marnie Holley

Product of the Month
by Heather Hirmer

Video Interview with Amateur Figure Stephanie Sadaka


Editorial by Juan Carlos Lopez

Olympia aftermath

Wanted to thanks all the models at HardFitness booth, Kimberley Romero, Tiffany Whitmore, Edith Waggoner and Caitlin Wheeler our 2014 HardFitness Calendar Cover Model!

Also thanks to all the fans who came to the booth and took pics and bought our products. Its another Olympia for HardFitness 2007-2013 all in a row :)

Wolf or Sheep?

The reality of photographers is that few profit that well in order to be the boss. Its always a struggle on who will buy your images, who will pay for a shoot. But not for HardFitness, we are the boss and we publish our own print calendar, have our own projects and we hire models.

I won't tell you all my secrets but as a photographer in this industry for 10 years I can tell you very few photographer will profit from it. They also fall under the false guise that shooting for a print magazine is the biggest thing, followed by models thinking is the biggest thing. In the fitness industry things are 10 years behind, there should be no print magazines anymore, the internet has all the proper information and easier to view. Its about time that magazines become deleted, evolve into an online magazine. HardFitness was the first one ever and still lives on. Low cost, great net income.

So you can choose who you want to be in this industry.

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