
Issue #32


by Juan Carlos Lope

2007 Europa Super Show Photos and Results

2007 Europa Super Show Review

2007 North Americans Photos and Results

2007 North Americans Review

20 Questions with Cover Model and IFBB Figure Pro Angela Terlesky

Video Interview with Cover Model and IFBB Figure Pro Angela Terlesky

Five Ways to Fight Flab and Stay Fit
by Jean Jitomir

Angela Terlesky, Darlina Brown, Priscilla Barrera, Stephanie Camacho and Aida Aragon

Video Interview with NPC Fitness Breean Robinson

Priority Check
by Rebecca Slatt

Video Interview with NPC Figure Kandi Allen

Ask Misty
by Misty Green

Video Interview with IFBB Figure Pro Claire Parmley


20 Questions with Cover Model and IFBB Figure Pro Angela Terlesky

Angela Terlesky

1) Please introduce yourself? What makes you special? Who is Angela Terlesky?

My name is Angela Terlesky IFBB Professional Figure Competitor. I am extremely driven to meet my personal goals. I'm always happy, cheerful and polite. I try to maintain a great attitude towards life in general (the glass is always half full in every situation). I love to help others achieve their physical goals.

2) Please tell us a bit about your family, friends and surroundings?

I prefer to surround myself with positive people in every aspect of my life. I am extremely close to my family.
My friends are extremely supportive as well. Most all of my friends are as driven as I am. They also live with the attitude that there is time for work and time for play. My family and friends remind me that life is short and sometimes I just have to let go and enjoy.

3) How did you start competing in figure and modeling?

My life had been turned upside down, I needed an outlet. I chose the gym. My first trainer had come into my office for a massage. At the time I was having involved in a contest with a friend. Who could obtain a six pack the fastest. I decided to trade massage sessions for training sessions. I was most of my time in the gym training. My trainer suggested competing in the figure division. I attended an Arizona competition, I decided that I wanted to look like the competitors. And so it began in October of 2004.

4) What is your personal policy (not what the judges want) about conditioning and muscularity when coming into a show? Soft or hard?

I prefer to come into a show lean but not ripped. I have long lines which takes away from the more bulky look. I tend to ride that fine line.

5) What is your idea of what judges want in a Figure competitor? Do you think judges are clear enough with competitors about how they want you on stage? It seems in Canada they are very clear unlike in the USA.

My idea of what the judges are looking for is overall cemetery for each individuals frame. Muscle tone, visible lines (not striations), general presents (hair, make up, even tan/color), posing and presents on stage (smile and confidence).

Angela Terlesky

6) For the next shows what do you think you need to work on physique-wise/conditioning-wise? If anything!

After comparing myself to the other competitors who are taking to top five. I've come to the conclusion that I need to put on more volume. Mostly on my legs and shoulders.

7) What is your typical training routine in the gym (per day, include sets and reps!) How much cardio do you do before a show?

My typical training schedule consists of weight training for roughly 60-90min 1x per day, 5 days per week. I generally do 8-12 reps per set and 25-30sets per muscle group during each workout. When preparing for a competition I do cardio 2-3x weekly. I always do cardio first thing in the morning. I walk at an incline of at least level 6 for 45min.

8) What is your pre-contest diet? (per day, 1 week before the show)

My pre-contest diet:
Meal 1: 6 egg whites 4tbsp. Malt-o-meal
Meal 2: Protein Shake
Meal 3: 4oz Ahi Tuna Steak
Meal 4: 6 egg whites 1/2cup pineapple
Meal 5: 2tbsp. Amino Fuel
Meal 6: 4oz. Ahi Tuna Steak
Meal 7: Protein shake

9) How do you go about dropping your water before the day of the show? How much water do you drink the day of the show. Please be specific.

I start the dehydration process by water loading with 3gals 7 days out. I drink 2gals 6 days out, 1gal 5 days out, 3/4gal 4 days out, 1/2gal 3 days out, 1/4gal 2 days out, 8oz. 1 day before. On the day of the contest I'm allowed 6oz. but I try not to drink anything if anything I sip on diet coke.

10) What motivates you to train/diet and compete? Are there any competitors you looked up to?

My motivation is simply have the physical ability to do so. I feel that I am fortunate to have the ability to train and compete. I love it because in this particular sport there has to be so much self discipline. It feels awesome to show the finished product.

11) Please tell us an interesting experience you had at a show recently, be it a fun thing or something rather not so fun?

I can not think of a certain moment during a show. I always find it interesting to meet other competitors. All of us go about our processes so differently, it's crazy. Everyone is very nice and helpful backstage. There is always great conversation, such as recipes. I can count on getting yummy recipes to try when I get home. Otherwise it's nice to know that there are others like yourself working and dieting just as hard. It's also nice to make friends and keep in contact after the events.

Angela Terlesky

12) What is your personal opinion about the figure, fitness, bodybuilding industry we are in? Anything you would like to see changed?

In my opinion the fitness and bodybuilding industry is simply amazing! There is only a small percentile of people who can dedicate months on end to achieving their personal perfect physic. I'm sure there is room for improvements. I don't believe I have been in the industry long enough to make any suggestions.

13) What has been your hardest challenge to overcome either in your personal life or competing career?

My biggest challenge is the dieting portion. I love to eat and most of all I love sweets. I find it hard to eat and to not feel full or satisfied after finishing a meal.

14) Did you make any changes to your contest prep for this show? Water intake, carbing up, etc...

I recently realized that I personally fill out best with high fats, sugars and carbs. Things such as dough nuts, pancakes with syrup, pastries and chocolate. Yeah for me!

15) What is your opinion about the 20% rule the IFBB issued to some female athletes? Why do you think they did it? Do you think competitors will follow it? Or it will get lost around somewhere?

I think it's a great idea. I believe the IFBB wishes to make the female competitors maintain they're feminine attributes.
Based on the IFBB Judging Panels request to reduce size by 20%. My trainer and I formatted my training regime with this request in mind. Our goal was to come into the pro. level, with a softer and less muscular physic. Like any other sport, I guess it will take time for everyone to be on board. Only time will tell.

16) How did you feel about winning your pro card? Describe a bit of that whole experience.

There were so many different emotions all compiled into one moment. It was the most amazing feeling in my life. To put so much hard work and self-discipline in everyday in hopes to achieve pro status. Having that dream come true was an awesome feeling.

Angela Terlesky

17) Please tell us about how you were raised and did you have any interesting experiences while growing up?

I was born and raised in the small town of Adrian, MI. I grew up in a family owned business. Therefore I was ingrained with great work ethics at a young age. If I wanted material things, I was to work and save in order to buy it myself. I spent most of my time training at the gymnastics gym or ballet studio. I spent a lot of time in the emergency room due to the fact that I was a bit of dare devil. Sorry mom and dad!!!
I have had a lot of interesting experiences while growing up. Between gymnastics competitions, ballet recitals, swim meets (diving), working and of course school. Life was non-stop. My parents made sure to make time for one major family vacation a year. We would hop in the conversion van and head down to Florida. We would visit Disney World, Busch Gardens, Pleasure Island, and family.

18) Do you have an athletic background? Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball or what?

I was a USGF gymnast as well as dance (toe shoe ballet) for about 13yrs. I also dove in high school my freshman year. A serious accident to my face while practicing for regional put a quick stop to that.

19) What is a typical day in the life of Angela Terlesky? From waking up to until going to bed?

I generally wake up and get to the gym by 5:30am. I'm home by 7am I eat breakfast, take all my supplements. Pack my meals for the day and shower. Off to work by 8am I usually work from 9am-5pm. Throughout the day I eat balanced meals every 2hours. I might stop at the tanning salon on my way home. Once I'm home I wash Tupperware and shakers and put them away. I always crack egg whites and set up coffee for the next day. Call clients and confirm appts. Check my e-mail and respond if I'm not too tired. Take shower #2 and wait for my boyfriend to get home so we can watch whatever show is on that night and then go to bed.

20) What is your current occupation? Please tell us more about it, what do specifically do in your job?

I own a massage practice called Platinum Massage Therapies. I rent my office space from Hester Family Chiropractic and Wellness located in Anthem, AZ. Most of my clients are in need of therapeutic or corrective therapy, Therefore I work with a lot of accident recovery and general acute injuries. I enjoy helping others, my main focus is to alleviate their pain.

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