Issue #2


by HardFitness

2005 Ironman Review by HardFitness

2005 Ironman Expo by HardFitness

Breast Augmentation by Darlina Acampora

Becoming a Fitness Competitor
by Kristi Willis

Julie Lohre Interview
by Julie Lohre

Sodium in Your Diet
by Shelly Pinkerton

Alexis Ellis Overall Winner of the 2005 Ironman Video Interview Footage from Sunday after her victory.

Recipe: Breakfast Frittata by Amy Peters

Pictorials featuring Monica Martin, Carina Dupree, Darlina Acampora, Alexis Ellis and Andrea Dumon

Diuretics and Alternatives
by Sandra Del Vecchio

Rising Star Video Interview: Andrea Dumon NPC Figure from Arizona 2005 Ironman short class competitor

Show Schedule for 2005
by HardFitness

Contest Prep Diet and Supplement Schedule by Kristi Wills

Measuring Body Fat by Shelly Pinkerton

Secrets to Achieving a Leaner Physique by Linda Cusmano

Road to the 2005 Ironman by Andrea Dumon

Future Fitness Star: Mandy Polk 19 years old by Mandy Polk

Abby Eyre, Pro card contender Interview by Abby Eyre

How to Gain Natural Muscle by Kelly Burke Jennings

2005 Obusforme Ironman NPC Figure Review

The Ironman is always fun show to attend due to the FitExpo it's one of those shows that actually feels like a whole weekend event. Men's Bodybuilding, NPC Figure, Powerlifting events, fitness seminars, a 3 day expo and other fun things make this show an attraction to many kinds of people.

Jennifer Ralph

Let's begin with one thing... the most impressive physique and looks to my eyes was tall class Arizona competitor Jennifer Ralph. Having last seen her at Chicago Jr. Nationals in 2004 where she was overlooked together with many competitors. She brought in a wider back and better conditioning for this show maybe about 7-8% body fat. Her presentation was excellent and her two-piece suit made her trademark abs show even more. This woman is one of the fastest rising stars on the planet so watch out for her in upcoming national shows. She could probably score her pro-card over some of the top 5 finishers at Jr. Nationals and Nationals in NYC

Alexis Ellis

The overall winner was Alexis Ellis who had placed 5th at last year's Nationals at Team Universe. It was very clear that Alexis Ellis would win the show given her spectacular back and tiny waist. Being 6.5% body fat and believe it or not, not as hard as she can come in. Great symmetry and lots of muscularity which I believe looks good rather than bad as some people think. She looked great at the prejudging and also at the finals. Shari Yates was a nice surprise in the tall class as she was sporting some great abs. I am not sure if this is the same Shari Yates who has done plenty of fitness modeling.

Amy Peters

Let's go next to the short class where everyone had put Amy Peters as the favorite. Few knew that trainer/nutritionist Kim Oddo would be bringing a totally transformed Jennifer de Joya. Some of us including me didn't even recognize Jennifer de Joya, that drastic was her change. The one thing people noticed about her was how ripped she came to the show. While posing she had to keep herself from tightening her glutes too much as she was showing striations on her glute muscles. Amy Peters had been told to come in softer for this show by the judges and so she did. It looked like a tough challenge for the judges but they chose Jennifer de Joya's physique and Masae Parker for 2nd place. To the amazement of many people Amy Peters got third place. At the finals the booing could be heard when Amy got her 3rd place trophy. Noteworthy competitor who will be doing more shows was our cover model Andrea Dumon who came in looking really good specially her amazing calves and big six pack. Andrea Dumon and Jennifer Ralph were both trained by the amazing Ernie Villegas one of the greater figure trainers who is being overlooked by our industry. He'll be bringing several girls to the Jr. Nationals so watch out for them.

Andrea Dumon


Abby Eyre

Medium class was a mystery to many people in the audience, the clear winner various photographers and industry experts was Abby Eyre aka "big booty trudy". Abby spotted the best legs and glutes of the show. Her presentation was very good too and despite coming in a bit soft she was the clear winner by far. Judges had a different agenda an instead of rewarding the D.C. native they gave 1st place to Vivian Dan Xu a local competitor who has done several shows in California since 2002. Don't know exactly what the judges are looking for but it seems always that it's a combination of things we wish we could know. But at least local competitor Alexis Ellis the deserving winner got her overall trophy.

Some other notes at the prejudging were the repeated calls from head judge Ken Taylor about women's posing. In particular women bringing their arching their upper bodies forward when facing the crowd. Also the hands being very high to the sides, he mentioned it wasn't bodybuilding but figure.

You can find results for the 2005 Obusforme Ironman at our competition section.



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