
Issue #16


by Juan Carlos Lopez

Emerald Cup 2006 Photos and Results

Emerald Cup 2006 Review
by Juan Carlos Lopez

20 questions with Cover Model: Shaushi Zike

Video Interview with Cover Model Shaushi Zike

Tanji Johnson's Emerald Cup Posing Seminar
by Juan Carlos Lopez

Balancing Training and a Full Time Job
by Traci Redding

Video Interview NPC Figure Michele Cogger

Shaushi Zike, Vanessa Van Overmeer, Michelle Cogger, Jill Knight and Roxana Kreklo

Video Interview with NPC Figure Vanessa Van Overmeer

Shipshape - Fitness on Board
by Rossella Pruneti

Video Interview CBBF Figure Roxana Kreklo

Building Beautiful Biceps
by Tina Jo Orban

Balancing Training and a Full Time Job
By Traci Redding

“Difficult does not mean impossible.”

People often share with me their desire to workout and become healthier through training. However, they just do not seem to have the time to do so. I realize that weight training, doing cardio and food preparation required when dieting can be extremely time consuming, and at times, very challenging. Remember, “Difficult does not mean impossible.” You simply need to have an understanding of what requirements your goals will insist upon you, and make those sacrifices. I encourage you to really think about what your goals are and write them down. Implement a plan into your schedule that will allow you to be successful in reaching your goals, as well as, obtaining them. I can assure you it will be the most rewarding experience. Your elevation in self pride in itself alone will amaze you!

"Remain positive and dedicated, Never to lose sight of why you are doing what you are doing."

When one makes the decision to become healthier for either means of weight loss, change in their physique or even the desire to compete. You must first decide what your goals are, and what you are willing to sacrifices to obtain them. I suggest that you seek advice from a trained professional who can truly help you devise a plan to effectively reach your goals. I will use competing as an example. If you have the desire to compete, you need to pick a show in which you have plenty of time to get prepared. For instance, if you have a show that is 4 months away, that would give you 16 weeks. You must make this time very effective. Write down the date of the show and implement into your daily schedule a 16 week plan that will include all your training and cardio needed to calibrate your success in time for competition.

"What are your goals? What will you sacrifice?"

The question I am asked so often… “How do you do all you do with training while working a full time job?” As a full time registered nurse in the Intensive Care Unit, or the Emergency Room for 12 hour shifts on Monday, Wednesdays, some Fridays and Sundays. I also train 8-10 clients Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. In addition, I teach a 90 minute spin class on Tuesday and Thursday nights. In conjunction with this extremely busy schedule, I have to also implement in my own training and cardio to obtain my own personal goals and achievements. Keep in mind the time it takes to prepare all your food and the time needed to eat meals 5 to 6 times a day, as well as, drinking a gallon of water daily. Below I will actually show you how I do what I do and work full time.

So with all that said, I hope this gives you an understanding of what it takes and what you will have to sacrifice. I love what I do which allows me to wake up 7 days a week and go after my goals with all my heart and soul. Stay focused and remember you can do anything you desire. Its all about showing up and placing your feet on the path that will lead you to your goal. Always stay aware of your blessings and stay humble.

5:00 a.m. Wake up
6:45 a.m.-7:15 p.m. Work in ICU or ER
7:30 p.m. Train 2 clients
8:30 p.m.- 9:45 p.m. Cardio


5:15 a.m. Wake up
6:00 a.m. Train Client
7:00 a.m. Train with my trainer
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Train clients
12:00 p.m. run errands, cook food, grocery store, etc.
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Train clients
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Teach cycle
7:30 p.m. Train client
8:30 p.m. Dance Practice for the Dance Team Synchronicity that I am a part of
10:00 p.m. Go home and get ready for tomorrow and go to bed


5:00 a.m. Wake up
6:45 a.m.-7:15 p.m. Work in ICU or ER
7:30 p.m. Train 2 clients
8:30 p.m.- 9:45 p.m. Cardio


5:15 a.m. Wake up
6:00 a.m. Train Client
7:00 a.m. Train with my trainer
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Train clients
12:00 p.m. run errands, cook food, grocery store, etc.
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Train clients
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Teach cycle
7:30 p.m. Train client
9:00 p.m. Go home eat dinner and prepare for the next day


I just recently started taking this day off from nursing and utilizing it to get things done in my personal life, and rest if possible.
7:00 am Cardio
3:00p.m.-7:00p.m. Train clients


7:00 a.m. Wake up
8:00 a.m. Track practice with trainer
9:30 a.m. Train client
11:00 a.m. Train with trainer
1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Train clients
6:30 p.m. go to church
10:00 p.m. go to bed


5:00 a.m. Wake up
6:45 a.m.-7:15 p.m. Work in ICU or ER
7:30 p.m. Cardio if I missed a day earlier in the week, if not? It is rest.

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About the Author...

Traci Redding lives in Texas and in 2005 competed at Jr. Nationals, USA's and Team U Figure Nationals. Traci is one of those competitors that everyone knows she has a pro physique and hasn't yet been recognized by the judging panel as one. Traci will be competing again in 2006 and will bring the lean and hard physique we all enjoyed at Jr. Nationals.

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